PT 9, MD visit, PT 10, and dang shoes.

PT 9: All went well, had issues over the weekend with pain, but they did ultrasound and more Graston technique and things were better. I was walking pretty good, still had the cane, but it was only for when I first stood up from sitting and for the first few steps walking. But after that, I could walk normally, albeit slow.

MD visit about the other knee. Well there is a tear in the left, and it was causing me issues with walking and recovery for the other knee. As well as occasionally locking when bending or trying to straighten. So the MD decided to go with a Cortisone shot, and it did help, no pain since then, occasional locking but not as bad. I see him in 5 weeks to discuss the possibility of returning for arthroscopic surgery on the left knee...again.

I went to work the following day. My knee hates driving so by the time I got to work it was a bit sore. As the day progressed it got considerably worse, and by the time I got home it was not weight bearing at all and I was considering a return to crutches. Tried heat, tried ice, nothing made much of a difference. Mrs Xue did some acupuncture and I could walk with the cane again, but it was still an issue.

Thought about why this happened and I think it is a 3 part thing. One I sit wrong in my office chair and I am considering bringing in an exercise ball to see if that is a better seat that puts the knee in a better position. Two, I was not able to elevate the leg all day. Three, and this I think is the main issue, my shoes.

Shoes have been an issue since before last June and the first knee surgery on the left knee. Finding shoes that did not hurt my knees has been an interesting game. After the left surgery all I could wear for weeks was a pair of Croc Clogs. Then those started to hurt and I went with a co-workers suggestion of LL Bean Wicked Good slippers and those were heaven. But the did not go outside, so I tried an LL Bean snow sneaker and those worked great. But a couple months before the surgery for the right, the slippers started to hurt my knees and through experimentation I found I had a pair of sneakers that worked great, so I wore them all the time.

Post surgery on the right, I was back to Crocs, but what was working best around my house was no shoes at all. Then when I had to start PT, I was wearing Crocs, and they were fine. However I decided that I should wear the sneakers again, and I did, many times, but it was not until yesterday that I put it all together. Every time I wear those sneakers now my right knee absolutely hates it and I end up in pain. I wore them for 8 hours yesterday and my right knee really hated it. It is a challenge to figure out what shoes will work, and since that can change it is also a challenge to keep up with it.

PT 10. Went in, (wearing the Crocs) and I was in a lot of pain, They did, ultrasound, massage, electric stimulation of the knee and heat. Knee felt better, but is still not as good as it was Tuesday. And I'm at work again today, but wearing the Crocs, so I will see how it goes.

The left is not in pain at all, just occasionally feels weird, still locks, but not as much. I have PT until the end of July so hopefully the right will straighten out (literally and figuratively). I am doing all my PT exercises (for both knees), however I did not finish them yesterday, since I planned on finishing them in the evening, And so far today I have done none, just a little stretching.


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