The Equalizer - What role do weapons serve?


Orange Belt
Dec 18, 2020
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Hello everyone!

Here I a post from my blog. I don't get much traffic so I thought I'd share it with you! What are your thoughts?

The Equalizer

What role do weapons play to a warrior?

Have you given much thought to using weapons to your advantage?

Weapons are not anything in themselves. Every weapon from guns to swords are harmless unless they are being used by someone who knows how to utilize those weapons.

The deeper the warrior's skill, the more dangerous the weapon becomes.

Weapons are simply tools in a warrior's arsenal. They are force multipliers. Weapons amplify the force a warrior can use against a threat. They are the great equalizer. A weapon can level the playing field against a bigger and stronger foe.

A warrior understands this and uses it to his advantage.

It is important to use weapons if they are available to you. The weapons available to a warrior vary depending on local laws and the resources available to him. Not everyone can legally carry a gun or knife, but there are always other options. Even a pen can be a great equalizer.

Let’s look at some weapons that you can use to your advantage. Please note that I am listing practical weapons that are available on a daily basis. This will rule out many traditional weapons like swords.

Propulsion weapons

• Gun

• Pepper ball gun

Sharp weapons

• Knife

• Broken glass

Impact weapons

• Tonfa

• Expandable baton

• Tire beater

• Baseball bat

• Stick

• Lead pipe

• Large flashlight

Kubaton weapons

• Stick

• Pen

• Pencil

• Small flashlight

Other weapons

• Pepper spray

• Taser

• Stun gun

Weapons of opportunity

• Rock

• Broken glass

• Stick

• Chair

• Jacket

• Belt

• Fire extinguisher

Anything can be used as a weapon!

Here is a video of myself demonstrating just a few of the hundreds of options out there;

What are some weapons you could learn to use?

As warriors we need to be versatile and creative as we train.

How can you add weapons training to your everyday routine?

What weapon(s) are you going to train with?

Kung Fu Wang

Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Sep 26, 2012
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Austin, Tx/Shell Beach, Ca
What weapon(s) are you going to train with?
You miss the most common street fight weapon.



Senior Master
May 16, 2014
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Ok my thoughts.
I dont click on blog links but I did watch the video.
Your post really doesn't have any point or a purpose for being written. All you really said was weapons are force multipliers. Thats kind of common sense so I as the reader gained nothing from reading it. If you want to be a blogger you might want to watch some how to write videos on you tube or take some classes.
As for your video, may think it looks great and might be of interest to absolute beginners but for those who have trained a bit, it sceams of self taught mumbo jumbo that certainly shouldn't be classified as combatives.
Don't take this too hard. We all start somewhere. Keep training, keep growing and if you want to be a legitimate combative guy then seek out legitimate teachers.
Good luck.


Orange Belt
Dec 18, 2020
Reaction score
Ok point taken!

Maybe the purpose isn't clear. I just want to break the ground so to speak on the topic of weapons. The fact that there are endless options, and the fact that everyone should train with them.

As for being "self taught". I have trained in empty hand systems my whole life. I have not had the privilege of formal weapons training (Other than Nunchucks).

But I don't claim to be a "weapons master". The point I am trying to make in the video is that there are a lot of options, and if you master the fundamentals you can use anything as a weapon.

I have sparred quite a bit with swords and knives, but as for "freestyle"... well, that I have never learned. But who would sword twirl in a fight anyway?


Senior Master
May 16, 2014
Reaction score
Ok point taken!

Maybe the purpose isn't clear. I just want to break the ground so to speak on the topic of weapons. The fact that there are endless options, and the fact that everyone should train with them.

As for being "self taught". I have trained in empty hand systems my whole life. I have not had the privilege of formal weapons training (Other than Nunchucks).

But I don't claim to be a "weapons master". The point I am trying to make in the video is that there are a lot of options, and if you master the fundamentals you can use anything as a weapon.

I have sparred quite a bit with swords and knives, but as for "freestyle"... well, that I have never learned. But who would sword twirl in a fight anyway?
I can appreciate your enthusiasm, I was there myself once too.
But from just conversing with you for the 5 minutes and watching a single video I can see your making some serious mistakes in your training and assumptions.
Think about this...if you take yourself serious as a combatives instructor you have the responsibility to teach the most effective and PROVEN responses to violence. If someone gets hurt or worse because of what you taught them how will you feel.


Orange Belt
Dec 18, 2020
Reaction score
No, I agree 100%.

It is very serious. That is why I am very careful with what I teach. All of the information I posted is practical knowledge for those new to martial arts. Would you argue with anything I said?

I asked for open critic in that area. Rank and your training background mean nothing. It is the person's dedication and the techniques that they focus on that matters.

Your profile itself says that you don't know what you would call your own style. Is that because you've never reached a rank that is high enough to esteem in a style? I think not. It is because you value your own dedication above the standards of others.

I mean no disrespect. I am sure there is much that I could learn from you. I came here to get helpful insight to my material, not challenges to my background that you know nothing of.

We are fellow journey men on the path of martial arts. We will both reach the summit faster if we are not pushing the other off the path.


Orange Belt
Dec 18, 2020
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P.s. I noticed the link to your website isn't working

CB Jones

Senior Master
Feb 20, 2017
Reaction score

I will give you some advice.....stop pushing your site. Put the link in your signature...but on here just participate in the conservation normally as you would with other colleagues.

Deleted member 39746

You miss the most common street fight weapon.


It makes me happy that i think you are chinese and went to the brick after what i heard about the chinese and bricks.

But amusingly enough bricks arent actually that common. The broken/loose ones tend to be removes/repaired pretty quick or might not be of any combtive value or would require comrpised postion or more effort than expected to get.


Orange Belt
Dec 18, 2020
Reaction score

I will give you some advice.....stop pushing your site. Put the link in your signature...but on here just participate in the conservation normally as you would with other colleagues.

Point taken. thank you.


Senior Master
May 16, 2014
Reaction score
I never leave home without a chick with a brick.
as a side note back when I was in school a girl beat the living hell out of another girl with a soft purse and a can of hair spray inside. She might have beat the victim with the her own purse cause the aggressor wasn't the hair spay type. One went to the hospital the other went to prison.


Senior Master
May 16, 2014
Reaction score
I think you are right! The brick is in Chinese culture but may not be in American culture.
Soup cans they walk around with soup cans. You can't throw a brick cause its too heavy. But you can throw a soup can. And when they get caught they say oh this is soup,its soup ,soup for my family

for the best impact you have to set the play back speed at 0.5
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Deleted member 39746

Soup cans they walk around with soup cans. You can't throw a brick cause its too heavy. But you can throw a soup can. And when they get caught they say oh this is soup,its soup ,soup for my family

for the best impact you have to set the play back speed at 0.5

Hes not wrong.

using a bag of something as a weapon as well isnt new. Its why bike locks are a go to weapon, you cant disarm someone of a bike lock if they are using it for their bike, at least tradtionally. Just load a bag up with innocent objects until you can swing it with some umpth and hurt somone and done, weapon.

Reminds me of the person shown giving out pepsi and like mineutes later you see pepsi cans being throw at police/the other side.


Black Belt
Mar 31, 2006
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No, I agree 100%.

It is very serious. That is why I am very careful with what I teach. All of the information I posted is practical knowledge for those new to martial arts. Would you argue with anything I said?

I asked for open critic in that area. Rank and your training background mean nothing. It is the person's dedication and the techniques that they focus on that matters.

Your profile itself says that you don't know what you would call your own style. Is that because you've never reached a rank that is high enough to esteem in a style? I think not. It is because you value your own dedication above the standards of others.

I mean no disrespect. I am sure there is much that I could learn from you. I came here to get helpful insight to my material, not challenges to my background that you know nothing of.

We are fellow journey men on the path of martial arts. We will both reach the summit faster if we are not pushing the other off the path.

I very much like the concept of martial arts being complete. ie fully integrated striking, grappling, weapons, groundwork, self defence etc
So I feel that your objective is laudable
There are certainly styles out there that have a more integrated approach than say TKD. Some do a better job in this regard than others and some are more contemporary than others. In my view none fully nail it for modern applications, but many would disagree with me
My main reflection from looking at your site, youtube channel and watching a couple of your videos is that you're focusing a fair bit on weapons, but clearly don't have any training in them. Which seems a bit off, particularly if you're presenting yourself as an instructor in these areas and offering online instruction in return for money
My advice is to only teach subjects that you have a fairly high level of instruction and mastery in
I hope this helps and I'm only offering advice/feedback as a total stranger so please don't take this the wrong way


Apr 3, 2017
Reaction score
Manchester UK
It makes me happy that i think you are chinese and went to the brick after what i heard about the chinese and bricks.

But amusingly enough bricks arent actually that common. The broken/loose ones tend to be removes/repaired pretty quick or might not be of any combtive value or would require comrpised postion or more effort than expected to get.
that is true now, when i was growing up you were never more than 20ft from at least a half brick,


Orange Belt
Dec 18, 2020
Reaction score
I very much like the concept of martial arts being complete. ie fully integrated striking, grappling, weapons, groundwork, self defence etc
So I feel that your objective is laudable
There are certainly styles out there that have a more integrated approach than say TKD. Some do a better job in this regard than others and some are more contemporary than others. In my view none fully nail it for modern applications, but many would disagree with me
My main reflection from looking at your site, youtube channel and watching a couple of your videos is that you're focusing a fair bit on weapons, but clearly don't have any training in them. Which seems a bit off, particularly if you're presenting yourself as an instructor in these areas and offering online instruction in return for money
My advice is to only teach subjects that you have a fairly high level of instruction and mastery in
I hope this helps and I'm only offering advice/feedback as a total stranger so please don't take this the wrong way

Thanks for the feed back!

I hear you 100%.

It is not my goal to focus on weapons. The reason that has been my focus for now is because I am getting a feel for filming and editing. I so the videos have been more a test of that. I see your point, and I thinl it is time I focus on my original intention.

My goal?

Exactly the way you worded it. A Total Combatives system.

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