Ninjukai Taijutsu

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Yellow Belt
Sep 20, 2007
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One comes int o try to make a point, and then cannot back it up with references or even hearsay?

I say point goes to the other side.

As to taking it private orasking someone else off-line, I know this arguement tactic, it makes it seem like the arguement is over and that there is some no matter how small one might believe validity in the counter point. When in actuality there is no validity in the point or comment of going private or asking directly as others have already and presented the information.

I say point goes to the other side.

Just on this little exchange alone, and not being into the complete scene, I would have to say you have proven nothing, other than being a loyal follower.

I know this might be a little hard to swallow. So would you like some Kool-aid to take wih this bitter pill?

You really don't know what you are talking about, do you? Nor did you have anything valid to contribute, other than a feeble attempt to fan the flames. You must be a proud "Martial Talk Founder".

You, and the other keyboard warriors really do a diservice to the Arts. You chat and argue like little kids with your name calling. It's really quite juvenile. Are you happy that you could get in on the thread with your cool-aid comments? That must have took a lot to muster up, rather than actually try and understand the situation. You're like a built-in troll, really. What a big man you are. No, rather a coward. Some school you must train in.

Duncan Sensei has taught some of the best MA-ists I have seen. And the years of attacks from the keyboard warriors have been backed up by 0 visits from these big brave Bujinkan guys, who could not take the time to ask him face to face. They'd rather stay in their little "dojo's" playing tag in their slippers and tee-shirts. How pathetic. At least if you are going to call someone out, man up and pay a visit to do it face to face.


MTS Alumni
Aug 26, 2003
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Oneonta, NY
Duncan Sensei has taught some of the best MA-ists I have seen.
You must not have seen many martial artists. I (and anyone I know with Duncan's tapes) keep them for pure comedy value.

And the years of attacks from the keyboard warriors have been backed up by 0 visits from these big brave Bujinkan guys, who could not take the time to ask him face to face. They'd rather stay in their little "dojo's" playing tag in their slippers and tee-shirts. How pathetic. At least if you are going to call someone out, man up and pay a visit to do it face to face.
Actually, a former instructor of mine attempted to train with Duncan and was turned away. His name was Sean Askew. You were saying?


Master of Arts
May 25, 2003
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Helsinki, Finland
You, and the other keyboard warriors really do a diservice to the Arts

Keyboard warriors. Ah yes, next you'll be asking how many hours a day people spend training versus how many hours on the computer. Ever wonder why nobody asks that kind of question this way: how many hours do people spend sleeping versus how many hours they spend training. It makes about as much sense :)


Yellow Belt
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
You must not have seen many martial artists. I (and anyone I know with Duncan's tapes) keep them for pure comedy value.

Actually, a former instructor of mine attempted to train with Duncan and was turned away. His name was Sean Askew. You were saying?

As I have a few Buj videos, so I can be reminded how to throw a fake punch.


MTS Alumni
Aug 26, 2003
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Oneonta, NY
As I have a few Buj videos, so I can be reminded how to throw a fake punch.
I couldn't help noticing that you ignored my other comment, maybe because it blows your insinuation that Bujinkan guys are somehow afraid of your uber-fraud "O-Sensei" completely out of the water? :rolleyes:


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Jun 21, 2003
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Please, keep the conversation polite and respectful. Additionally, please take note of the rules for this section of the forum.

-Mike Slosek
-MT Asst. Admin-

Rich Parsons

A Student of Martial Arts
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Oct 13, 2001
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You must not have seen many martial artists. I (and anyone I know with Duncan's tapes) keep them for pure comedy value.

Jeff having been on the same floor as you teaching our respective arts, I respect your comment here.

Actually, a former instructor of mine attempted to train with Duncan and was turned away. His name was Sean Askew. You were saying?

I would offer myself. But then that might be construed as an assault and allow him to cry foul and try to get me censured here at MT or in person. That is not my intent. Although I do travel and do teach seminars and have no problem meeting new people and training with them.

Rich Parsons

A Student of Martial Arts
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Oct 13, 2001
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I apologize to the staff if my comments were out of order.

You really don't know what you are talking about, do you? Nor did you have anything valid to contribute, other than a feeble attempt to fan the flames. You must be a proud "Martial Talk Founder".

I know as much as you do in some cases in others I would say I most likely know less. In others yet, I might know even more than you. So I admit that you might know more than me on something, but also admit that I might know more than you.

As to validity, I did offer much. I made the points that your points have no validity other than emotional content. I see you could only reply in emotional manner back. If you could present data, then we can talk about validity.

As to being a Founder Martial Talk, I apologize for that. That was not my idea. I guess it is a new tag. I honestly did not even notice it until you mentioned it. I did a quick search and found all people who were members before a certain date have the same tag. It is nothing I asked for, but do think it was nice of the technical staff to take the time to implement it.

You, and the other keyboard warriors really do a diservice to the Arts. You chat and argue like little kids with your name calling. It's really quite juvenile. Are you happy that you could get in on the thread with your cool-aid comments? That must have took a lot to muster up, rather than actually try and understand the situation. You're like a built-in troll, really. What a big man you are. No, rather a coward. Some school you must train in.

Hmmmm, someone digs up a dead old thread and I am called the keyboard warrior. I sated in my previous post I would offer to meet you or your instructor, but given the current circumstances, it might be considered a request to fight which is against the rules. Although, my contact information is on this site in numerous locations, and I have open communication via PM and e-mail. If it is really that much of a problem for you, contact me of have your instructor contact me. I have called people before to have them straighten me out, and in the end though, it was not the case. It was the case of correcting them, and them feeling ashamed of the actions of their students or former students and associates. But that is part of my history, and not really relavent here. Just offered to let you know that I will provide a phone number for you or others to call me or I will call someone on my dime at a convient time. I have no problems with such forms of communications.

As to built in troll, one could say the comment was a bait. Yet, so is trollish behaviou of digging up old threads that are contraversial. We can have the powers to be review the contents of this thread and our actions to se if we qualify as trolls collectively or individually. One could just hit the little triangle icon in the corner and report to moderator. Note: One is not allowed to report themselves, so you or someone else will have to do this. Of course you should feel like I have broken one of the rules.

Duncan Sensei has taught some of the best MA-ists I have seen. And the years of attacks from the keyboard warriors have been backed up by 0 visits from these big brave Bujinkan guys, who could not take the time to ask him face to face. They'd rather stay in their little "dojo's" playing tag in their slippers and tee-shirts. How pathetic. At least if you are going to call someone out, man up and pay a visit to do it face to face.

As to manning up, been called out before. I have asked where to show up but as I have no problems driving to Texas, and Fly for work to Denver and Pheonix and Las Vegas, and also the East coast is close enough for travel that I do to see family or friends.

In the past though most of those who state this for thier instructor gets the reply, of someone calling the police. Nice how it is ok for people to call someone out (* By the way a real violation of the rules, but I will not report you. *) and then if they show up, they get to call the police can claim this person is after them. ;) Hence my comments about if your instructor is serious about my comments that I made, then I have no problem talking to him via e-mail or phone. Just contact me and we can arrange to contact.

As to slippers, I do not wear them. I do wear a t-shirt though. Not sure how that is pathetic, but it is your fashion opinion I guess.

I do hope this find you in good health, and that you understand that if your instructor so wishes, he may contact me or if provided with a phone number I will contact him.


Mr. E

Blue Belt
May 23, 2007
Reaction score
In the past though most of those who state this for thier instructor gets the reply, of someone calling the police. Nice how it is ok for people to call someone out (* By the way a real violation of the rules, but I will not report you. *) and then if they show up, they get to call the police can claim this person is after them. ;)

Yes, that does seem to be a common tactic used by frauds and those that defend those they know to be frauds.

And is it really an issue here? People want to know if Ron Duncan can answer simple questions about who he trained with. They want to know from who he learned Koga ryu ninjitsu. He should be able to answer that type of question and there should be proof that he can show. Instead, Koga Tengu seems to be doing his level best to avoid that simple fact. Since Mr Hatsumi can be questioned and is quite open about who he trained with, KT wants to bring in someone who is dead and can't be questioned. I suspect that if someone like Heretic888 showed him proof that Takamatsu sensei trained with Toda sensei, he would start asking if the Bujinkan can prove that Toda sensei trained with whom he said he did.:uhyeah:

The comments about how no one seems brave enough to ask Ron Duncan to his face are just silly. Kreth has pointed out that at least some of those that wanted to were turned away before they could get to Ron. So it looks like the great ninja master is a scared little man by his actions. It would look like prudent action on his part in this age of lawsuits if it were not for his defenders like KT trying to then say that no detractor has met him face to face. That shows that Ron Duncan is not someone who wants to face people and hides behind others talking big.

That reflects very badly on him.

All this could be solved if Ron Duncan merely gave information that can be shared by means of the internet. No one has to travel to see him. Why would anyone want to visit and ask an old fraud such as him? But if he could give proof to his training, then all these folks like Kreth would look pretty silly, wouldn't they? That would really put the Bujinkan folks in their place, wouldn't it?

So why is Ron Duncan scared to give proof and gain respect while putting his critics in their place? :confused:

The simplest answer is that he never learned ninjitsu from a teacher, knows it, and his defenders know it as well. So it is easier to insult other people to try to save face and try to throw dirt on other groups.


Yellow Belt
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
I couldn't help noticing that you ignored my other comment, maybe because it blows your insinuation that Bujinkan guys are somehow afraid of your uber-fraud "O-Sensei" completely out of the water? :rolleyes:

There's a difference between showing up to train, and showing up and saying, "Hi, you're a fraud." Which did Mr. Askew do?


Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Apr 13, 2005
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Saint Cloud, Florida
There's a difference between showing up to train, and showing up and saying, "Hi, you're a fraud." Which did Mr. Askew do?

Yes, there is a difference. However, what is the point? Mr. Askew was turned away according to Kreth. Based on what I know of Sean Askew, it is likely he showed up to train. There is no need to "challenge" someone. When you have budo eyes, you can see the budo in someone's movement or the absence of it during training.


Yellow Belt
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
I apologize to the staff if my comments were out of order.

As to manning up, been called out before. I have asked where to show up but as I have no problems driving to Texas, and Fly for work to Denver and Pheonix and Las Vegas, and also the East coast is close enough for travel that I do to see family or friends.

In the past though most of those who state this for thier instructor gets the reply, of someone calling the police. Nice how it is ok for people to call someone out (* By the way a real violation of the rules, but I will not report you. *) and then if they show up, they get to call the police can claim this person is after them. ;) Hence my comments about if your instructor is serious about my comments that I made, then I have no problem talking to him via e-mail or phone. Just contact me and we can arrange to contact.

As to slippers, I do not wear them. I do wear a t-shirt though. Not sure how that is pathetic, but it is your fashion opinion I guess.

I do hope this find you in good health, and that you understand that if your instructor so wishes, he may contact me or if provided with a phone number I will contact him.


You seem to be taking my comments as directed to you, but it was clearly stated they were directed to Bujinkan members who call Mr. Duncan a fraud. My concern is that this has never been done to him in person, and hurling insults over the internet is not the way to resolve issues. My concern is that people are too quick to attack someone without first making the attempt to be more civil.

As a side note, I did not revive this thread. I joined in after someone called my teacher's teacher a fraud. So who are the instigators now? Looks like Martial Talk moderators.


Yellow Belt
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
What is the point? Mr. Askew was turned away according to Kreth. Based on what I know of Sean Askew, it is likely he showed up to train. There is no need to "challenge" someone. When you have budo eyes, you can see the budo in someone's movement or the absence of it during training.

And how many of Duncan Sensei's students would be turned away from training at the Bujinkan Hombu? Or how many of Tanemura's students or Manaka's would be welcome there? Just because they are turned away does not mean there is something to hide does it? Perhaps there are other reasons?


Yellow Belt
Sep 20, 2007
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Well, I can only speculate, but if my org was always being chastized by another, and a member turned up at the door, they probably wouldn't be that welcome to train there... But I can only speculate.


MTS Alumni
Aug 26, 2003
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Oneonta, NY
Well, I can only speculate, but if my org was always being chastized by another, and a member turned up at the door, they probably wouldn't be that welcome to train there... But I can only speculate.
So, basically you're saying that we should talk to Duncan, but we might not be allowed to? :idunno:


Yellow Belt
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
So, basically you're saying that we should talk to Duncan, but we might not be allowed to? :idunno:

Maybe it depends on how diplomatic you can be. From what I have seen, your odds look pretty bleak.


Yellow Belt
Sep 20, 2007
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Says the guy whose rep bar is starting to look like a chicken pox epidemic...

I'm guessing you got no red dots from leaving similar if not even more hostile remarks. Guess we all know what Rep points really mean around here...


MTS Alumni
Aug 26, 2003
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Oneonta, NY
I'm guessing you got no red dots from leaving similar if not even more hostile remarks.
Usually when I get neg rep, it's for calling a fraud a fraud. Apparently the frauds have rather thin skin.

Guess we all know what Rep points really mean around here...
That I'm one of the cool kids?


Columbia Martial Arts Academy
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That will be more than enough.

This thread is locked for review - the postings of several users and the content of this thread will be reviewed carefully so we can decide what to do with the lot of you.

G Ketchmark / shesulsa
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