Good Bouncer Stories


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Jul 16, 2004
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If you worked as a bouncer for any lenght of time you have a collection of great stories, some cannot be related here because of language and sexual content..Here is one that can be told:.

If you are a bouncer you face the chance of appearing in court because of your actions during an altercation..So I recieve a summons to appear in court and tell the clubs side of the story,and all the while the guy is making comments..Now comes the plaintiffs turn..The Judge says "Before you tell your side of the story I want to know why you just didn't leave when they asked you too?" The guy responds with a " Because no one tells me what to do"..."Oh really?" says the Judge ..He slams his gavel and says " Case dismissed"..

To which this POS yells "SMOKE YOU".The Baliffs escorted him from the court room..He was cited for contempt...
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Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Jul 16, 2004
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Waaaaaaaaaaay back when one of the clubs I worked for refused to use the term bouncer, we were called floorwalkers..So as not to give the image that all we did was stand around and wait for a fight to start we had to clear the glasses of the tables and carry them to the glass washer machine...

Our club was VERY LARGE and there was an area behind the DJ booth and dance floor called the quiet lounge..While passing through there one night I saw a guy and a very pretty girl on one of the long padded benches talking..He had one hand up her skirt and the other under her blouse..Normally I ignore this kind of scene as I pass by I hear this guy say, "What makes you think all I want is sex?"...

I laughed so hard that I dropped my tub of glasses..He flew off the bench and tried to punch me which was a big mistake..His little sleeze ran and got all his ' buds" and it was one of the biggest fights we had had in a while..The moral for me was to keep my BIG MOUTH shut...
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3rd Black Belt
MTS Alumni
Feb 16, 2003
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Cuenca, Ecuador
One night - pretty slow - the door man, John, asked me for some pointers and we discussed some simple restraining methods.

Later that night one of the regulars comes up to me, slightly tipsy, and says, "So, I saw you working with John earlier. Interesting stuff but I could counter any of it pretty easily."

I smiled and said, "Of course. In your head."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, anything's easy to counter in theory. It's much more difficult when you're off balance and in pain - and that's assuming you're not actually injured yet. So, yeah, in your head you can counter any of it easily. Doing it in reality is a whole different matter."

He then proceeded to tell me, "You know, I trained in Systema for several years."

I said, "Oh yeah? I've seen some Systema. Interesting stuff."

He said, "Yeah, I trained with a guy here in Louisville named ... umm ... Martin."

I said, "Really? Martin? Martin who?"

He said, "Yeah. Martin. I trained with him until he moved away."

I said, "Martin Wheeler?"

He said, "Yeah! That was his last name. Wheeler."

I couldn't believe this guy. He didn't even know Martin's last name - a guy he'd allegedly trained with for several years. It was all I could do not to laugh myself to tears.



Master of Arts
Feb 12, 2007
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I watched door once at a club. Everyone had to pay and things were fine until one guy tries to walk past me and I grab his shirt real tight and I said"Where ya going?" He said " I'm the bartender now let go of my shirt."



Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Jul 16, 2004
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i watched door once at a club. Everyone had to pay and things were fine until one guy tries to walk past me and i grab his shirt real tight and i said"where ya going?" he said " i'm the bartender now let go of my shirt."


Don't ya just hate when that happens????


3rd Black Belt
MTS Alumni
Feb 16, 2003
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Cuenca, Ecuador
LOL. Yeah, I had the door man, Rodney, try to kick me out one night. I'd been working there for several months but he & I had never met before. He was covering for John, the door man I usually worked with. When I came in I introduced myself to him but he didn't catch that I was the bouncer.

At the end of the night he came back to run everyone out of the bar at closing. I was standing, watching to make sure everyone played nice on their way out. Then Rodney motions to me and says, "You too, buddy. We're closed. Time to leave." I thought he was joking and just laughed. Then he said it again and I said, "I work here."

He said, "Yeah, right. Come on." He put his hand on my arm and I slapped a wrist lock on him - just enough to say "hello" - and then Gary, one of the bartenders, came back and told Rodney, "Dude! What're you doing? He's the bouncer. Get back up front and let him handle things back here."

Oops :D



Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Jul 16, 2004
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LOL. Yeah, I had the door man, Rodney, try to kick me out one night. I'd been working there for several months but he & I had never met before. He was covering for John, the door man I usually worked with. When I came in I introduced myself to him but he didn't catch that I was the bouncer.

At the end of the night he came back to run everyone out of the bar at closing. I was standing, watching to make sure everyone played nice on their way out. Then Rodney motions to me and says, "You too, buddy. We're closed. Time to leave." I thought he was joking and just laughed. Then he said it again and I said, "I work here."

He said, "Yeah, right. Come on." He put his hand on my arm and I slapped a wrist lock on him - just enough to say "hello" - and then Gary, one of the bartenders, came back and told Rodney, "Dude! What're you doing? He's the bouncer. Get back up front and let him handle things back here."

Oops :D


Great story...

Rich Parsons

A Student of Martial Arts
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MTS Alumni
Oct 13, 2001
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If you worked as a bouncer for any lenght of time you have a collection of great stories, some cannot be related here bacuse of language and sexual content..Here is one that can be told:.

If you are a bouncer you face the chance of appearing in court because of your actions during an altercation..So I tell the clubs side of the story,and all the while the guy is making comments..Now comes the plaintiffs turn..The Judge says "Before you tell your side of the story I want to know why you just didn't leave when they asked you too?" The guy responds with a " Because no one tells me what to do"..."Oh really?" says the Judge ..He slams his gavel and says " Case dismissed"..

To which this POS yells "SMOKE YOU".The Baliffs escorted him from the court room..He was cited for contempt...

I was watching a door one night. There were some recent changes in the law and the fines went to the owner and to the person checking the ID's. The fine went from $500 to $5,000.

So I checked everyone's ID. The law stated to be in the place one had to have an ID and be of age to drink. So the old timers, obviously over 21 did nto have an ID on them. When the crowd was light that night, the owner asked what I was doing scaring away all his customers. I replied, that I would tell any officer that anyone without an ID was let in by him. He walked away frustrated. It only took a couple of nights and one weekend and everyone had their ID's.


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Jul 16, 2004
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I was watching a door one night. There were some recent changes in the law and the fines went to the owner and to the person checking the ID's. The fine went from $500 to $5,000.

So I checked everyone's ID. The law stated to be in the place one had to have an ID and be of age to drink. So the old timers, obviously over 21 did nto have an ID on them. When the crowd was light that night, the owner asked what I was doing scaring away all his customers. I replied, that I would tell any officer that anyone without an ID was let in by him. He walked away frustrated. It only took a couple of nights and one weekend and everyone had their ID's.

Owners can be a real pain in the butt....One bar came up with the idea of putting bands around the wrists of those under 21 back in the early 80's all the bars sold 3.2 beer..A lot of the ladies HATED the idea and cried to the owner and we went back to the ink stamp...So I instructed the battenders if they couldnt see the stamp NO DRINK..Finally it became a 21 and over bar by State law..


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Jul 16, 2004
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Like I said Owners can be a pain in the butt...At one club the owner was a real whore-monger and would serve all the underage ladies whatever they wanted, he would always add that if Drac catches you you're out for the night...Well sure enough I catch one of the regular under age girls with a Jack and Coke and I toss her out..

The ID checker that night was a former Green Beret and we got along pretty well...She is out in the parking lot cursing me, Billy says that she should be " nice" to me and I might let her back in"...She says. "NO-FLIPPIN-WAY"...So he says," Be nice to me and I WILL let you back in"...So they retreat to the back of his van so she can be nice to him, and he lets her back in and all I can do is give him a dirty look...

About 5 minutes Billy approaches me and say " Kathy has a high drink"..I see her and escort her to the door, as she is standing on the sidewalk Billy says "Good Night Whore" and closes the door....The owner just shook his head..
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Rich Parsons

A Student of Martial Arts
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MTS Alumni
Oct 13, 2001
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Like I said Owners can be a pain in the butt...At one club the owner was a real whore-monger and would serve all the underage ladies whatever they wanted, he would always add that if Drac catches you you're out for the night...Well sure enough I catch one of the regular under age girls with a Jack and Coke and I toss her out..

The ID checker that night was a former Green Beret and we got along pretty well...She is out in the parking lot cursing me, Billy says that she should be " nice" to me and I might let her back in...She says "NO-FLIPPIN-WAY"...So he says, Be nice to me and I WILL let you back in"...So they retreat to the back of his van so she can be nice to him, and he lets her back in and all I can do is give him a dirty look...

About 5 minutes Billy approaches me and say " Kathy has a high drink"..I see her and escort her to the door, as she is standing on the sidewalk Billy says "Good Night Whore" and closes the door....The owner just shook his head..

I was not working one night and walked in and saw a young lady who I knew to be under age. 17. It was early (before 10 PM) and she was there with friends and they had just finished eating, and were beginning to dance to the live music. I walked up to her, and she took me to her table and there was no alcohol at their table. So I smiled and told her not to try to stay to late and be out soon. She and her friends did leave around 10 PM so I did not make an issue of it.

I then had a talk with the owner about his timing of the live music and when he stopped serving food. He needed more time to get the "Food" restaurant crowd out. I then explained to him about 17 year old, that would cause him to loose his license just for being in there.

Rich Parsons

A Student of Martial Arts
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Oct 13, 2001
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Back when I was 20 and the drinking age was 21, I did not drink. It was self defense. I worked too many places and too many people held grudges. So, many people did not even think to card me if I went someplace with friends, as we in the business knew each other. I also never did put anyone at risk by trying to sneak anything either.

Drinking was not an issue for me, while growing up if I wanted a glass of wine or a small glass fo beer with dinner I could. Not that I enjoyed it much , but trying it took away the taboo, aroun drinking alcohol for me.

So, one night while in someone else's bar, there is a problem and the police show up, and then they start asking for ID's. They find out I am 20. THe owner and door guys were surprised. They had never asked me. The police asked why I was there. I told them to truth. I was the designated driver for my friends. They were drunk by this time and just hapy drunk and not part of any of the problem. The police looked at me and said, I was being responsible and that I should take my friends home now. I understood he was letting me leave, so I explained to my friends, either I got a ride with the nice police officers of they could come with me. They decided to it was best to leave with me.

Kembudo-Kai Kempoka

Senior Master
Mar 9, 2004
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Dana Point, CA
I think I wrote about this on MT before, but since it belongs in this thread...

I was bouncing on a night in the late 80's, when Notre dame won their grudge game with USC. That night, the victorious offensive line comes into my bar in Newport Beach, CA. They are loud and obnoxious, with one guy flashing the ladies. I ask the QB/Team Captain to simmer them down; he pays lip service, but does nothing.

Finally, I tell him they all need to leave. He refuses, and backed up by a couple of his linemen, squares off with me annd says, "What are you gonna do, throw all of us out?".

"Nope; I ain't that tough, and I ain't that stupid. I'm going to call the Newport Beach PD, AND the local news, so that tomorrow, you can explain to your coach and parents WHY the winning team of a catholic college is seen getting piled into a paddy wagon on their victory night with charges of trespassing, drunk in public, lewd and lascivious conduct, sexual harassment, and the like. Your move."

They left my bar, drank next door, and were a little more mindful of their manners.


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Jul 16, 2004
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I was running a club in Ft Lauderdale that opened at 8pm..Around 9pm I heard this cheering and whistling coming from one of the auxillary dance spaces in the back of the club..There on the floor was a male and female attempting to do a version of horizotal bop, except standing up....I asked them to please take a break and they went back to the bar..

About 15 mins later I heard the same cheering and whistling again from the back area...There was the same couple on the floor slow dancing except the male had her skirt pulled up to her hips and was attempting to remove her underwear.."OK, that's it, take it somewhere else", I said..As they were leaving the female stopped and said to me " You are ruining our anniversary"...


White Belt
Jan 2, 2009
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One of my favorite stories occurred 2 years ago on New Years Eve. My bar (in Washington, DC) runs an event where we charge US$100 at the door, and have a 5 hour open bar. The cover tends to keep out the riff raff. However, NYE 2006, I turned around from my post at the door of the bar to the staircase leading into the bar, only to see a woman squatting on the stairs and peeing. I went up to her and told her that she needed to leave. She asked me why, and I told her because she was peeing on the steps. She looked confused for a minute, then her facial expressions changed, and she said she understood, and started walking towards the exit. Her friend came running out and started screaming at me. While the "peeing girl" was very compliant, her friend identified herself as a lawyer and insisted that I had no legal right to ask peeing girl to leave. I promised her that I did, but she stated that the bar was a public establishment and that we could not require her to leave. The lawyer friend ended up getting up in my face and screaming at me, at which time I escorted her out of the bar. She called 911 to report that I had "assaulted" her, but DC's Finest is trained quite well and ignored her call.


White Belt
Jan 2, 2009
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And another one about dumb owners...

I have been head of security at my bar for several years. We have pretty high turnover for bouncers, and on this one particular night had a relative newbie working the door with me. I went inside to use the restroom, and as I was returning to the door, one of the bartenders stopped me and told me that a post-wedding reception group had come to the bar, and while most of the crowd was of age, the family of the bride had brought their 16 and 14 year old sons with them. The well-trained newbie denied them entrance, but after some fancy talking and "handshaking" by the father of the bride to the owner, the owner told the bouncer to let in the young'ns on the promise that they would not drink. It didn't take me long to spot the two of them, or the bottles of beer they had in their hands. Suffice it to say, I got them out of there real quick, and the owner was quite embarassed. Since then, his new policy is that he leaves decisions like that up to me, even when my decisions piss him off

Rich Parsons

A Student of Martial Arts
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MTS Alumni
Oct 13, 2001
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And another one about dumb owners...

I have been head of security at my bar for several years. We have pretty high turnover for bouncers, and on this one particular night had a relative newbie working the door with me. I went inside to use the restroom, and as I was returning to the door, one of the bartenders stopped me and told me that a post-wedding reception group had come to the bar, and while most of the crowd was of age, the family of the bride had brought their 16 and 14 year old sons with them. The well-trained newbie denied them entrance, but after some fancy talking and "handshaking" by the father of the bride to the owner, the owner told the bouncer to let in the young'ns on the promise that they would not drink. It didn't take me long to spot the two of them, or the bottles of beer they had in their hands. Suffice it to say, I got them out of there real quick, and the owner was quite embarassed. Since then, his new policy is that he leaves decisions like that up to me, even when my decisions piss him off

In Michigan this was happening so often that they changed the laws to also fine the Owner. This way if the Owner "forced" the door person to elt them in, both were liable. From $500 to $5000 each. So, while the door person could be out some significant cash the owner could be as well. Also they added in the Owner could loose their liquor license. This was the real kicker as now most owners saw that the short term looses were acceptable versus the long term losses.


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Jul 16, 2004
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Perhaps the ladies that will sit in their cars and polish of a pint of firewater just to get in the mood were the worst..They would then come inside and proceed to drink like a sailor on leave, and maybe dropping a few "Ludes"...I cannot count the times that some young lady would approach and tell me her girlfriend is passed out in the stall...I would have to go in there and stand her up and her friend would pull up or down on whatever she was wearing so I could carry her through the club without too much embarassment to her..


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Jul 16, 2004
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At the big dance club we had a little female bouncer...Actually she was the one who took money at the door, but if there was a fight in the ladies room she would respond..She was a former teen fashion model and a little hottie.. About 5'2" and maybe 100 and some lucious pounds, but she was a scrapper..More that once she would go into a fight inside the powder room and more that once I have seen her tossed back out into the club..She would stand there a moment and and then let out a few cuss words and " fly" back inside...She would always come out holding some lady by the hair built like Xena, Warrior Princess...
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Senior Master
Mar 15, 2005
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The first time I ever got cut I was bouncing.

Not any cool story to it, guy had a little liquid courage and thought he needed to rough some patrons up. Tell him it was time to leave and he decided to try and make me like a steak. I ended up with a small cut, thnk goodness he was waving trouble standing, and he ended up falling on the floor. Nothing cool like, I took this guy apart and showed him how we do it kinda thing. I needed a bandade and he needed some aspirins.

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