Yahoo: Mir says Carwin is more dangerous than Lesnar

Clark Kent

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Sep 11, 2006
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03-24-2010 02:04 PM:

Frank Mir is hoping to face two of the biggest dudes in the MMA world in the next six months. But the 265-pounder is not about match brute strength with Shane Carwin and Brock Lesnar, who both cut down from around 300 pounds. Mir likes to think he can outsmart both guys in gameplanning and technique. He's a bew age heavyweight.

"I really feel like I have a huge advantage on my feet now versus other heavyweights," said Mir. "I see guys out there and they're good strikers but I don't think they have fallen in love with the correct way to throw punches the way I have."

Mir says the heavyweight division has been mostly built around power.

"You see other heavyweights and it's bravado. They're going to stand toe-to-toe. We're going to throw the nuclear missiles and who ever is still here standing is the man. I'd rather poke you in the back and run off. I don't really think standing in front of someone is an awesome thing."

Mir points to boxers like Floyd Mayweather Jr., Pernell Whitaker and James Toney as fighters he admires.

Mir says because Lesnar doesn't possess refined boxing skills, he actually needs to be more diligent in a matchup against Carwin on Saturday at UFC 111.

"Carwin is a bit more dangerous more me. Brock and Carwin are both wrestlers than I am. Most likely both can take me down. Most likely they can win the fight if I get stuck against the cage."

Lesnar is strong but he's not a one-punch knockout artist.

"He's knocked people over because he clubs you with his hands but he's not really a knockout artist. Where Carwin has actually knocked people out."

Mir feels confident if he gets another Lesnar fight and it stays standing the entire way, he'll win. That's not guaranteed with a more well-rounded fighter in Carwin.

Yahoo! Sports.
Cagewriter is an MMA blog edited by Steve Cofield.