American Realistic Karate



Back in 1995 I began to earnestly develop, with valued assistants from several practitioners/Instructors a new, unnamed discipline and teach it to fellow LEO's/C.O.'s in my agency. I meet with an enthusiastic welcome. Since then we have been blessed to continue to develop it and offer it to LEO's in other agencies, off duty military pilots as well as citizens in the private sector. A couple of years ago I began to seek out peer review and official recognition for our discipline. I am pleased and blessed to have received a wonderful response by many Instructors I consider my better's. After toying with names we eventually decided on American Realistic Karate.

A more complete explaination of our discipline may be found at;

We have decided on the World Ildokwan Federation to act as our parent, governing organization;

We have adopted a simple white belt/Black belt program and have elected to not use colored belts etc. We do not use any Asian terminology. We do not label ourselves as Master, Grandmaster etc, although a few have chosen to do so.

Par for the course would be to accept a 10th Dan in American Realistic Karate. Many of my peers have elected to honor me with this illustrious Dan ranking when recognizing this discipline within their organizations. However, as many here know, I feel that 10th Dan in an honorary rank and feel uncomfortable wearing it. Thus I do not. In fact I usually wear no rank at all. When the necessity arises to wear rank i.e. promotions, seminars etc I would have prefered nothing above a 6th Dan for personal use. This is in line with the time in training criteria I have set into place along with my age. However, I have been assigned/asked to wear 8th Dan as the disciplines founder by my students, peers and governing organization. I have consented as a comprimise.

I have ranking in Pangainoon, but it is only recognized by organizations not directly related to that art. Additionally, the individuals that I trained with and were my Instructors have either passed on or I no longer have reliable contact information for. My full, active training was mainly in the 80's in the military. The upper Dans were time in grade promotions. As such I have decided that I will no longer claim a Dan ranking in this discipline as the last individual I had contact with has passed on and I feel I no longer have sufficient surviving documentation. Hence, I claim only training in this discipline.

The discipline of Shur Te that I learned from my fellow LEO is in a state of refurbishment as new infomation has been added in it's restoration. As I am not an active part of this restoration, and the discipline with soon undergo a name change I have requested only Shodan recognition for the years of training I put in.

I have received my 4th Dan in TKD/Han Moo Kwan as well as my 2nd in Hapkido/HoShinDo.

I was presented with an honorary 7th Dan from Grandmaster Yuri Kostrov of Agni Kempo.

I have been an FDLE certified Police Instructor in the areas of Defensive Tactics, Firearms and Edged Weapons Defense since 1996 for S.E.P.S.I. at St. Petersburg College. I have been an ISI certified Israeli Instinctive Shooting Instructor since 1999 and ISI Israeli urban survival and Defensive Tactics Instructor since 2001.

The above is simply to present my background to you in coordination with what we have developed. Thank you for your time and consideration.



We have adopted a simple white belt/Black belt program and have elected to not use colored belts

As an update, we have discontinued use of a belt ranking system altogether. After extensive training, a student can earn a Black Belt, but the 'belt' is only a cerimonial item which reflects the level of training. That level will be accompanied with the appropriate certifications to document the level of training.



Purple Belt
Feb 8, 2003
Reaction score
You can refer any questions about our style toward me, at the request of mods please dont discuss ARK himself as he is not here.

Thank you,

David A. Craine Sr.